Calf health has a big

impact on farm


Other calf health issues

Dairy farms only reach about 70% of their production potential

Other health challenges

Hydration control
Respiratory health
Preventing calf scours
Issues related to whole milk
Other calf health issues

It is estimated that globally, dairy farms only reach about 70% of their production potential, due to issues with management, nutrition and health. Calf health can therefore have a big impact on farm profitability. Next to calf diarrhoea, dehydration, respiratory disease and Johne’s disease there are a number of other calf diseases and calf health issues to deal with.

Feeding whole milk increases the risk of Johne’s disease, Salmonella and Mycoplasma bovis infections but does not increase the risk of BVD. Feeding waste milk with mastitis pathogens does not cause calf disease but can induce antimicrobial resistance.

An increase in temperature above 28° C can have a negative impact on calf health and performance, unless correct heat management programmes are being applied.

Ringworm infections are very common in calves and can be transmitted to humans.