Water balance
regulation for calves

Hydration control

Water is the basic requirement for life

It is needed for the body to be able to function properly. If the hydration status of an animal is compromised, growth, development and performance are also compromised.

Hydration of the animal is usually regulated by drinking and excreting water within normal (but very narrow) safety margins in which the body can function.

Managing the hydration of calves means management of extracellular body fluid pools. Type, amount and ratio of electrolytes play an important role in this and should guide the rehydration product choice.

Other health challenges

Hydration control
Respiratory health
Preventing calf scours
Issues related to whole milk
Other calf health issues
Dehydration of calves takes its toll on farms every day

Dehydration occurs because of reduced water intake or a disturbed internal water balance. The impact is huge: it causes illness, and threatens animal welfare. Half of all calf mortality cases is caused by dehydration.

When calves do not drink, or lose abnormal amounts of body fluids, internal control systems will be set in motion to maintain important body functions. This results in poor skin turgor, sunken eyes and a dry muzzle.

In case of diarrhoea
Sprayfo OsmoFit

Sprayfo OsmoFit is a dietetic water-soluble calf rehydration product. It is able to stabilize the water and electrolyte balance of the extracellular fluid pool in cases of diarrhoea by providing the required salts and sugars in the right amounts and in the correct ratio. Therefore, OsmoFit is always provided in a fixed concentration in water.


Sprayfo OsmoFit


In case of transport stress
Sprayfo HydraFit

Sprayfo HydraFit is a complementary feed for ruminants that provides the needed salts and sugars in the right amounts and in the correct ratio. HydraFit uses a method with a pending patent that allows for fast intake or water and supply of electrolytes and maintain hydration status.


Different challenges, different solutions.
Water balance regulation with Sprayfo Hydration Control

Water is the basic requirement for life. It is needed for the body to be able to function properly. If the hydration status of an animal is compromised, growth, development and performance are also compromised. Hydration of the animal is usually regulated by drinking and excreting water within normal (but very narrow) safety margins in which the body can function.

Managing the hydration of animals in different life stages means management of intracellular and extracellular fluid pools. Type, amount and ratio of electrolytes play an important role in this and should guide rehydration product choice.

Download the brochure and find out which strategy for hydration control is best for you..

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