Agriculture’s best and brightest on the bill for AgriVision 2021

Press release
  • Speakers from WWF, Heineken, Maple Leaf and the European Parliament will explore this year’s ‘Future Matters’ theme in keynote speeches, lab sessions and masterclasses
  • The one-day virtual event on October 7 will see speakers critically discuss the role sustainability plays in feeding the future and challenging the status-quo
  • Sustainability trailblazer and former-CEO of Danone, Emmanuel Faber, to deliver the keynote address
  • Registration is now open, click here to secure tickets

AgriVision, the leading global agri-and food-business conference, has today announced the full speaker schedule for its virtual conference on October 7, 2021. The biennial event, jointly hosted by animal nutrition and aquaculture feed company Nutreco and its animal nutrition division Trouw Nutrition, will bring together the industry’s brightest minds to discuss its 2021 theme ‘Future Matters.’

The three-hour event will run three separate content tracks – Understand, Experience and Influence – which will look well beyond current production and business methods to highlight what needs to be done to sustainably feed the future.

The conference will explore why ambitions are no longer impactful and why it is imperative that the sector challenges the status-quo at every stage of the supply chain to demand transformative and collaborative change if it is to feed the world’s population, which will reach 10 billion by 2050.

Discussing the upcoming conference, Trouw Nutrition CEO Saskia Korink said, “This year’s virtual AgriVision is set to not only be an informative and interesting day given the calibre of speakers but will be a crucial turning point in the discussion for how the industry approaches future challenges. Over the next 10 years, the steps we take as an industry, as well as those of governments, consumers, and brands, will be critical in deciding the future health of animals, people, and our planet – and what better way to discuss and plan for our future than with the coming together of the industry’s brightest minds.”

With just a month to go, the event promises to convene the agri-and food-business community, alongside influential public officials, key NGO representatives, promising start-ups, and renowned academics. Registration for the event is open, with varying ticket prices ranging from free of charge to 195EUR based on different content access levels.

In addition to Emmanuel Faber, former CEO of Danone and Founder of the One Planet Business for Biodiversity, who will deliver the keynote speech on the transformation of Danone into a world-leading corporation in environmental, social and governance (ESG), the full speaker schedule is as follows.

The mainstage line-up under the ‘Understand’ track will comprise four intensive sessions on the following topics:

  • Leading Sustainable Agribusinesses:
    • Jason Clay, Senior Vice President Markets at World Wildlife Fund (WWF-US) and Jeffrey Simmons, President and CEO of Elanco, discuss how to future-proof fully traceable and transparent agri-businesses.
  • Economics in Sustainable Agribusiness:
    • Joey van den Brink, Business Development Lead at B Lab Europe, and Ranjith Mukundan, CEO & Co-founder at Stellapps Technologies explore how the global economy is changing and how we must improve the economics across the feed-to-food chain to ensure sustainable investments in the future.
  • Towards ‘One Health’ for the planet and people:
    • Sharon Deem, Wildlife Veterinarian, Director of the Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine and Author of “Introduction to One Health: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Planetary Health", discusses how pandemics, antimicrobial resistance and climate change have and will impact future food supply and explains how a holistic approach is needed to sustain a healthy ecosystem.
  • The Future of Protein:
    • Justin Sherrard, Global Strategist for Animal Protein at Rabobank, Joost Matthijssen, Director of Venturing & Business Development at Nutreco, and Global VP New Business & Innovation at BRF, Marcel Sacco will explore developments of new protein sources and their role in world’s protein supply, and how they’ll help feed the world’s growing population.

The mainstage will be moderated by Tech-entrepreneur and driving force behind TEDxAmsterdam, Jim Stolze. Running in parallel with the ‘Understand’ track, will be the ‘Experience’ and ‘Influence’ tracks that comprise masterclasses and lab sessions. Pauline de Wilde, Dutch TV presenter and successful author will moderate the lab sessions within the ‘Experience’ track, where attendees have the chance to hear practical guidance and advice from leading businesses as part of two 45-minute panel discussions.

  • Towards a circular food system:
    • Jan Huitema, Member of the European Parliament, Petra Hissink, Global Director Sustainable Development at Heineken, and Otto Seijler, New Business Development Manager at Trouw Nutrition share their expertise to highlight the importance of circularity to build our economic future.
  • The value of precision farming:
    • Wilfried G. Aulbur, Senior Partner at Roland Berger, Casper Niesink, Global Solutions & Services Director at Trouw Nutrition, Carsten Gieseler, CEO and Co-Founder at Fodjan, Shir Landau-Blum, CEO of PoultriX, and Seyi Adeleke-Ige, General Manager at Skretting Nigeria discuss the exciting developments on precision farming within the agri-Tech sector.

Finally, the ‘Influence’ track will see attendees gain unique insights on sustainable ‘lighthouse’ farms, and how to increase value through transparency from two leading figures as part of two 45-minute masterclasses.

  • Farm of the future: Join Professor Rogier Schulte, Farm Systems & Ecology at Wageningen University as he discusses what farming might look like towards 2030 and beyond. This will include examples of the work Rogier is doing to date, such as the development of climate resistant farms, and Living Labs as models of sustainable farming.
  • Create Transparency and Value throughout the chain: Join Tim Faveri, VP Sustainability & Shared Value at Canada’s leading food producer, Maple leaf to explore their pursuit to become the most transparent and sustainable company in the world. Tim Faveri will walk through the vision for Maple Leaf Foods and the added value of setting higher standards for the company, the supply chain, and competitors.


AgriVision 2023