The complete reference for LifeStart sources

1 Shamay, A., D. Werner, U. Moallem, H. Barash, and I. Bruckental. 2005. Effect of nursing management and skeletal size at weaning on puberty, skeletal growth rate, and milk production during first lactation of dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 88:1460–1469    
2 Faber, S. N., N. E. Faber, T. C. McCauley, and R. L. Ax. 2005. Case study: Effects of colostrum ingestion on lactational performance. Prof. Anim. Sci. 21:420–425    
3 Morrison, S. J., H. C. F. Wicks, R. J. Fallon, J. Twigge, L. E. R. Dawson, A. R. G. Wylie, and A. F. Carson. 2009. Effects of feeding level and protein content of milk replacer on the performance of dairy herd replacements. Animal 3:1570–1579    
4 Davis Rincker LE, VandeHaar MJ, Wolf CA, Liesman JS, Chapin LT and Weber Nielsen MS. Effect of intensified feeding of heifer calves on growth, pubertal age, calving age, milk yield, and economics. J. Dairy Sci. 93:2639–2650    
5 Moallem, U., D. Werner, H. Lehrer, M. Zachut, L. Livshitz, S. Yakoby, and A. Shamay. 2010. Long-term effects of ad libitum whole milk prior to weaning and prepubertal protein supplementation on skeletal growth rate and first-lactation milk production. J. Dairy Sci. 88:1460–1469    
6 Raeth-Knight, M., H. Chester-Jones, S. Hayes, J. Linn, R. Larson, D. Ziegler, B. Ziegler, and N. Broadwater. 2009. Impact of conventional or intensive milk replacer programs on Holstein heifer performance through six months of age and during first lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 92:799–809    
7 Drackley, J. K., B. C. Pollard, H. M. Dann, and J. A. Stamey. 2007. First-lactation milk production for cows fed control or intensifi ed milk replacer programs as calves. J. Dairy Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):614 (Abstr.)8    
8 Terré, M., C. Tejero, and A. Bach. 2009. Long-term effects on heifer performance of an enhanced growth feeding programme applied during the pre-weaning period. J. Dairy Res. 76:331–339    
9 Soberon F, Raffrenato E, Everett RW and Van Amburgh ME. 2012. Preweaning milk replacer intake and effects on long-term productivity of dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. 95:783-793    
10 Bolt, A. 2019. Meta-analysis to calculate the effect of rearing intensity on functionality of dairy cows. Research paper Mecklenburg Vorpommern Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Fischerei.    
11 Data on file   Study report R06201A.
12 Bruinjé, T.C, Rosadiuk, J.P, Moslemipur, F, Carelli, J.E, Steele, M.A. and D.J. Ambrose, 2019. Carryover effects of pre- and postweaning planes of nutrition on reproductive tract development and estrous cycle characteristics in Holstein heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 102    
13 Bar-Peled et al., 1997. Increased weight gain and effects on production parameters of Holstein heifer calves that were allowed to suckle from birth to six weeks of age. J. Dairy Sci. 80:2523-8    
14 Geiger, A.J., James, R.E., Parsons, C.I., Capuco, A.V. and Akers, R.M., 2015. Enhanced pre-weaning nutrition stimulates mammary gland development in dairy heifer calves. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93 Suppl. s3/J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 98 Suppl. s2 2015.    
15 Soberon, F, and M. E. Van Amburgh, 2017. Effects of preweaning nutrient intake in the developing mammary parenchymal tissue. J. Dairy Sci. 100:4996–5004    
16 Brown, E.G, VandeHaar, M.J, Daniels, K.M, Liesman, J.S, Chapin, L.T, Forrest, J.W, Akers, R.M, Pearson, R.E and M. S. Weber Nielsen, 2005. Effect of Increasing Energy and Protein Intake on mammary Development in Heifer Calves. J. Dairy Sci. 88:595–603    
17 Hare, K.S, Leal, L.N, Romao, J.M, Hooiveld, G.J, Soberon, F, Berends, H, Van Amburgh, M.E, Martín-Tereso, J and M. A. Steele, 2019. Preweaning nutrient supply alters mammary gland transcriptome expression relating to morphology, lipid accumulation, DNA synthesis, and RNA expression in Holstein heifer calves. J. Dairy Sci. 102:1–13    
18 Soberon, F and M. E. Van Amburgh, 2013. The effect of nutrient intake from milk or milk replacer of preweaned dairy calves on lactation milk yield as adults: A Meta-analysis of current data. J. Anim. Sci. 91:706-712    
19 Volkmann, N, Kemper, N. and A. Romer, 2019. Impacts of prepubertal rearing intensity and calf health on first-lactation yield and lifetime performance. Ann. Anim. Sci. 19:201-214    
20 Kim, M.H, Yang, J.Y, Upadhaya, S.D, Lee, H.L, Yun, C.H and K.A. Jong, 2011. The stress of weaning influences serum levels of acute-phase proteins, iron-binding proteins, inflammatory cytokines, cortisol, and leukocyte subsets in Holstein calves. J. Vet. Sci. 12(2):151-157    
21 Berends, H, Vidal, M, Terré, M, Leal, L.N, Martín-Tereso, J and A. Bach, 2018. Effects of fat inclusion in starter feeds for dairy calves by mixing increasing levels of a high-fat extruded pellet with a conventional highly fermentable pellet. J. Dairy Sci. 101:10962-10972    
22 Amado, L, Leal, L.N, van Laar, H, Berends, H, Gerrits, W.J.J, and J. Martín-Tereso, 2020. Effects of inclusion of a high-fat extruded pellet mixed with a conventional pellet in rearing calf. Abstract presented at the ADSA congress June 22-24